Week of August 18th 2024

For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.  
Colossians 1:16

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1

Bless the teachers, bus drivers and all who are involved with school just starting up again for the season. 

Bless all the students as they adjust!  May they be kind to each other, too.

Ray S –  One of our faithful male volunteers who is 80 needs a vehicle.  If you have one you no longer use but that you have kept up and it doesn’t need new parts/repairs and you’re willing to donate, he would be very grateful to get it. Contact the ministry for ways to donate.

Sister Delores C. – deliverance

Kim – 60- has lung cancer which has spread to her liver; she is waiting for the chemo to start.  May it help her, Lord!

Rene – cirrhosis  of the liver, end stage; goes every week to have drainage; bless wife Suzie as she goes through this with him; 

Sonia, 89, grandmother; has dementia and it is getting progressively worse; bless the family as they try to help and often meet resistance; help in the home is expensive and placement not affordable.  Bless them, Lord.

Mary Jo – 70 -battling breast cancer; is getting treatment and doing well with it.  Thank You, Lord! Heal her.

Johnny – 63 – Tuesday will have an x-ray of the lungs to see of the bone cancer has metastasized  to them; we pray for good results, Lord; he does have PT; the knee bone and femur were removed; 

Brother – in-law Tony – the neurologist will do frontal lobe tests to determine dementia; he is mildly cognitively impaired; they will do a sleep study, he will see an audiologist, check if he had a stroke; he may no longer drive and is becoming aggressive; bless his wife and family as they go through this with him.  The family is dealing with the two of them now and we ask prayers for all of them.

Karen’s grandchildren – Jelizabeth and Julian – overal health and well being. Son Luis who had been in the hospital after the pallets fell on him and had surgery is doing so well with great determination and will be released from the hospital Sept. 1st.  Thank You, Lord!

Bob – 60s – went to the hospital with pain all over his body; he has chronic breathing and health problems; please pray for him

Lyle – 79 – is recovering from COVID; thank You, Lord!

Vicki M. – gall bladder removed surgically Tuesday and she is doing well.  Thank YOU, Lord.

Ken – fell in the bus when it moved too quickly while he was standing and he fell and broke his wrist.  He is asking that the swelling goes down so the cast can go off.  Heal this faithful servant, Lord.

Karen – will have foot surgery next month.

J – we are asking for spiritual guidance and direction

B. – asking for spiritual guidance and direction, also.

Yvette – housing sustainability.Praise – the many folks we assist with housing, services and more!  Yes, thank You for providing, Lord.

Dan C. –  Friday evenings -feeding the homeless

John T. – bladder cancer treatment Wednesday morning

Scott B. – knee replacement Tuesday morning

Coach V. – returning from Alaska Sunday; travel mercies

Terry W. – COVID

Ann K. – car accident

Debbie K. – eye exam

Emily S. – physical therapy

Dan – God’s direction for me.

Thank all of you for praying over these requests.