Week of February 2nd 2025

You have shown me the way of life and You will fill me with the joy of Your presence.  Acts. 2:28

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.  Therefore, we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.  Psalm 46:1-3

Let’s all find something to be thankful for each and every day!  The weather, family, a job, health, food I can eat, games to play with family and friends together, my pastor, my church, teachers, photos, good memories,  agreeable colleagues, transportation, able to get up in the morning…..what are you thankful for? 

Families impacted by the two airplane accidents.  

While we always need small size toiletries, right now we can use some large size ones. Large size toiletries: shampoo, conditioner, lotion, soap, tooth brushes and paste, deodorant…

We also really need ladies’ underwear, sizes 6, 7 and 8, please!  Thank you!

Erin – Daniel, a family friend started rehab because of alcohol abuse; he had a seizure;  he hopes it works out this time; he has a daughter.

—–daughter’s job is changing; hopes for it to be better.  Yes, Lord we ask it for her.

Chase – looking for a job; have 4 boys; he does have a meeting Tuesday about a job; may it go well, Lord.  We ask You to provide!!  Thank You!

Ryan – job; the company is having a difficult time; hope we can all keep our jobs;  yes, Lord, we ask it of You for all of them.  Thank You!

—–nephew 15 yrs. old – broke collar bone in football; heal him, Lord.  Thank You!

Cayden – school; sophomore.

Sherry – energy level effected by thyroid condition; she is such a faithful servant always helping others; may she get treatment to help her, Lord, we ask.

Pam – has neuropathy; stopped meds as she has side effects; has pain; doesn’t dare back injections; pray for a different solution.

Jack – biopsy report was good; praise report!!!

RIOT – pray for the youth in this program at Bay Hope as they do such good and meaningful work/activities; they are there to help others

John – issues with his eyes; saw a doctor this past Tuesday

Ray – was able to settle his lease issue!  Praise report!

Don – praise – ABBA Yahweh is providing for me!  Wonderful!  Thank You, Lord!

Car accident which occurred near the ministry; one person was killed; pray for those involved in the accident and families impacted.

Light house – Father, assist them as they minister to others

Tom – is having delirium and other issues since his surgery.  We pray for his recovery.  Thank You for the support of his family.  

Janeka W. – I ask the Lord and my family to find a job and get everything I lost back and more.  I ask for prayers for everyone in this DV shelter as I get help from this program.  I ask for peace and happiness.  

Micheala S. – I’ve been homeless for a year.  I just want to get back in my own home and be with my son who is 4 yrs. old.  I pray for the finances needed for a place.  Kenny – prayer request – wants to get home to California and is praying for a bus pass.

Jonas – praise – becoming a chaplain and has many open doors of training!

Thank you all for praying over these requests.