Week of February 9th 2025

You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.  Psalm 16:11

In all my prayers for all of you I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.  Philippians 1: 4-6

For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God.  Not of works, lest any man should boast.  Ephesians 2:8-9We always need women’s underwear, sizes 6, 7, 8.
Being thankful daily:  I am thankful for the greatest gift ABBA has given to the human race, His Son Yahshua Hamashia even though it bankrupt heaven.  I am thankful that I am who He says I am from before creation.  Teresa O.

Karen E. – bunionectomy on Monday, Feb. 17th.; pray for this volunteer and helper to others

Minister Donna’s mother is in the hospital.  Pray for wisdom and discernment for the doctors.  Update:  Mom is now home; still not clear what the issue is; had a follow up appointment this week so we’ll hear what the next step is.  May they get clarity and a treatment plan, Lord, we ask it of You.

John A. – I had a tragic situation that has transpired where I will become a full time guardian.  Pray for guidance, strength, clarity and perseverance.  Yes, Lord, we thank You that John is even willing to do this and know You will be in him always; he is never alone!! 

George E. – is working hard with the PT to recover from his surgery but progress is slow; Lord, we are grateful that there is progress!!  Let it continue and may he get his strength and stamina back.

Deb K. – pray for healing as she undergoes a new trial treatment for her cancer.  In three weeks she goes to Houston, also, to have her case reviewed and see if all possible is being done.  We ask Your providence, Lord.  Bless this very faithful servant of Yours who is so giving to others of her time, talents, treasures.   Update: tests show the trial drug isn’t working.  She drives 5 hrs. to Cleveland to get the treatments and they said they have a new drug which would be for her issues and she will talk to them about taking that.  Bless the doctors, bless Deb, be in her and heal her, Lord.

Tom has been discharged from the hospital; he is getting stronger physically and it will take a bit longer to be mentally re-charged since his brain aneurysm surgery.  We thank You, Lord, for each step of progress.  Be in his wife and family as they care for him and his limits now but having faith in You for a better time coming.

Thamar – his grandfather, Richard Comer, passed away.  Keep the family in prayer in this time of mourning.

Darren, who had been waiting a long time, got a new kidney on the 6th.  Praise report! Thank You, Lord!

Glenn family – his mother and youngest brother both passed away recently.  Bless this time of mourning for this family, Lord.

Kristen and Elaine Dwyer have both been sick the last weeks; they would start to recover and then get sick all over again, with flu, sinusitis and he even ended up in the hospital with pneumonia.  They are doing well now but it was a rough time.  May their bodies be healed, Lord.  They have never been able to help her with other health issues and it has been prolonged with all this.  Bless them, bless them.  She volunteers at church and we are grateful.

Jade’s spouse is walking with a walker again so that is a praise report!!!   Thank You, Lord.Nikki K. – please pray for my disabilities/unemployment/domestic violence and housing crises because I can’t find work.  

Brad R. started chemo on Monday.  May he not have side effects and may it heal this faithful servant, Lord. 

Alys for a family whose husband decided to have an affair after 30 years of marriage! Let him get the counseling he needs, Lord.  Bless his wife who is going through this.

Maritza – cardiac issues and is in the hospital.

Manny – Adelina, grand baby born last night!  Congratulations!!  Blessings on the family!

Elizabeth – her stepson committed suicide!  Oh, Lord, let the family have a counselor, minister, friends who can be with her at this time.  Bless all the family, soothe their spirits, comfort them, let them feel that You are with them at all times!!

Gene – Spirit Jonah

Cathy B. – praise for my new grandbaby born at 33 weeks and is in NICU so prayers appreciated but all looks good,  thanks be to God.    Yes, congratulations and thank You, Lord! 

Samatha – new manager at Ray S.’s apartment complex…that she be given wisdom to manage.

Barbara S. – praise for reconciliation of family.

John – pray for the patrons who frequent Amazing Love to come to truth.

Lara- prayer for Sylvia whose son was murdered about a year ago and the trial begins tomorrow.


Gordon – a faithful attendee of the Thursday bible Study has cognitive difficulties.  Pray for his recovery.

Thank you all for praying over these requests.