Week of January 12th 2025
The wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without trace of partiality or hypocrisy. And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace for those who make peace. James 3:17-18
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1
Lord, be in the people in California…..the residents, all the fire fighters; there are such large areas involved; let the fires stop, Lord! Please! We ask it from You. Update: yes, they are gradually being put out but with different weather continually coming, wind, etc. there is still danger. But we hear uplifting stories of how people are helping each other. Thank You, Lord!
We can still use warm men’s clothing for this cold weather!!!
Pastor Manny – heal him, Lord, as he is soooo busy with the ministry and allllll he does that he keeps getting sick. Bless him, Lord, this faithful servant.
Jade requests prayer to help with insurance approval on resources needed to support a spouse in need of care.
Whitney – patience and waiting well; a lot of issues and decisions this year; lead them, guide them, Lord.
Dayami – heal her, Lord; she has such pain in her joints, etc. but is hurting from a cyst and will talk with the doctor when that can be removed; let it be soon, Lord. Thank You.
Jackie – was going to the surgeon this past Wednesday and asks for prayer that no more surgeries are needed as she has had several the last year; yes, Lord, may it have been a favorable visit
Sonja – for Samone and Mike as father might have to go into hospice; bless this family at this time and may their father know You, Lord, and feel Your presence and comfort.
——will have a hearing
Karen – one of the ladies who makes the mats had surgery last week and is now doing well; heal this faithful servant, Lord.
Tony – brother Shane had heart surgery; is now up moving around; heal him, Lord.
Cameron – for life to become less stressful; yes, Lord, we all need that! Thank YOU!
Brad – started treatment this past Monday; bless him and heal this faithful servant, Lord.
Payton – 4th grade – prayers for school
Yvette – still on an inhaler and not 100% yet, but not as bad as it was. Thank You, Lord!
Joe – work
Spencer – stay well
Shane – that God takes away his bad habits as he gets closer to him.
Tony – had surgery, is in pain and has difficulty with moving around. Heal this faithful servant, Lord.
Bless all those in the cold weather; there have been a number of deaths reported across the country. May people have what they need so they don’t have to be out and around. Keep the roads and sidewalks cleared for those who do have to work, etc. And may our homeless patrons come through the cold here in Florida okay.
Thank you all for praying over these requests.