Week of July 14th 2024

The fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom.  And before honor is humility.  Proverbs 15:33

To the person who pleases Him God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness.  Ecclesiastes 2:26

Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing my great Redeemer’s praise; the glories of my God and King, the triumphs of His grace!   Charles Wesley

Congratulations on Tampa’s 137 th. year anniversary!!

Checklist for encouragers:  Help the weak!  Support those who are weak by loving them and praying for them.  

Rod – pray for our country, for all the division, anger and hatred, those who lost a family member during the attempted assassination and those injured.  

Peter – back pain

Nicka- we ask for safe travel and travel mercies as she goes back up north; bless her in her new life there and that she may feel Your presence, Lord.  Lead her, guide her and direct her!

Pastor Manny: For our patrons who are lost, tired and exhausted, we ask for repentance.

Patrick – praise for being back at AML and reconnecting with us

Texas – pray for folks without power and those killed.

Christy has a chemo treatment July 23rd.  Pray for no side effects.  Thank You, Lord.

Ray – unspoken….for a brother who is struggling

Rod – mother-in-law recovering from a massive stroke

Pastor Luis is in Orlando with his wife; her aunt who is 100 is very sick.  Please keep her in prayer.

Karen -safe travels for daughter and family

Jackie – health issues

Matthew – thanks to Yahweh for HIS calling and fulfilling it at AML, Tampa

Johnnie – 70- that the Lord may keep His blessings and guidance upon me and my family.

Michael – deliverance and help with anything I need help with.

Shipwreck – no inclement weather to disrupt daily life; no sickness for me or others; stay in good health

Christopher – pray for the church and what they do for the community; health issues – that they may get resolved

Elijah – that I get my son back – he is 3 years in Foster Care

Allen – two sons, 10 and 7 yrs. old; they live with their mom; has to wait a year before he sees them; he does call them

Melody – pray for positive outcome on recent tests

Kisha – 49 – stage 4 breast cancer; they gave her 6 months to live

Micka – 45 – stage 3 breast cancer; will start treatment next week; bless these two ladies, Lord, that they may feel Your love and presence at all times; may they hang on to You.

Al – salvation

Ann – was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer and has relapsed

Kathy – for friends who are facing health issues

Shawn S. – recovering from stroke

David B. – alcoholic- struggling

Jasmine – unspoken (Yahweh’s will in her life)

Del – housing

Betsey – Yahweh to help them in HIS will 

Thank you all for praying over these requests.