Week of July 28th 2024

The heart of man plans his way but the Lord establishes his steps.  Proverbs 16:9

No weapon forged against you will prevail and you will refute every tongue that accuses you.  This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and this is their vindication from me, declares the Lord.  Isaiah 54:17

For the Lord your God is living among you.  He is a mighty savior.  He will take delight in you with gladness.  With His love He will calm all your fears.  He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.  Zephaniah 3:17

Checklist for encouragers:  Be joyful!  Remember that even in the midst of turmoil God is in control.

Amazing Love can ALWAYS use men’s and women’s underwear, e.g. boxers, bras and pantiesWe can always use BIBLES, too.

Pastor Edwin Rivera still needs $500 for the Mission Trip to the Dominican Republic on August 13th.
You can call him at 813-785-4020.  If you don’t want to use GoFundMe you can do it thru Zelle info Edwin Rivera and the same for Cashapp.  If you can share this someone who can help it will be appreciated.    https://gofund.me/7a7e91f8The mailing address is: Pastor Edwin Rivera, 411 Ashford Dr., Brandon, Fl 33511

Vicki M. has gall bladder surgery today,  Aug. 2nd. ; let’s pray her through it.

Karen E.’s son Luis is hanging in there; he has a long recovery in the hospital and then will go to rehab.  Keep him prayer…..and his family.  Update:  Luis spoke yesterday, Thursday.  He said he was hungry!   Thank You, Lord!!

Elisha – son Vincent is in DCF Foster Care and he sees him once a week.  The judge gave the okay but DCF says they have their own rules.

Paula – housing; is at Tampa Hope now; they let one of her sons leave there; the other son is autistic and epileptic and is still there but at the other end of the building so she can’t see him much; she herself is in a wheelchair and is sad about the whole situation.  Bless this family, Lord, and let them be able to stay together as much as possible.

Allen – health; kids 7 and 10; can’t see them for a year; he had back surgery on his spine and was in bed for a long time healing and his wife had him move out; he is with his sister now.  Pray for this family.  Lord, you know the situation.  Let there be healing.  Bless them all.

Brian – real happy as he has a different/new car now.  Thank You, Lord.

Johnnie – health and well-being; he does have a place to live!  Thank You for that, Lord.

Kat – spiritual warfare

Christy – that she may have few side effects from the chemo.  Be in her, Lord.  Heal her!

Tony V. – still in intense pain; may he get the treatment he needs. Heal this faithful volunteer, Lord!!

Tiffany – help finding a job; the battery on her bike died, isn’t recharging; had COVID a long time, several months; no money for bus pass; has to apply on line.  Bless her now, Lord.  She is trying to improve her situation, is willing to work.  Provide for her, Lord.  Thank You!

Charlie – is working; pray that he can see his kids soon

Deb K. – at checkup she heard the two spots have increased a bit but no new spots.  They will now start a new chemo.  May she not have intense side effects, may it help her, Lord.  She has been through a lot the last years.  Bless this faithful servant of yours to so many others. 

Michael – shoulder was out of place; back now but the whole area is very painful; heal him, Lord, take away the pain on this willing and helpful servant.  Bless him. 

Cody – pray that mother and brother can keep storage; please let God watch over them.

Gene – pray that I will be stronger in my faith; does have a place to stay.  Thank You, Lord.  Bless him!

Mitchell – has no place to stay; health is not good; bless him, Lord, provide, lead him, guide him and direct him!  Thank You!

Julie B. had 2nd. knee replacement 3 weeks ago; this one was more involved, more pain, etc.  But she is still getting PT for a while and knows it will eventually be alright.  God bless this faithful servant of Yours.

Thank you all for praying over these requests.