Week of June 16th 2024

Every experience God gives us, every person He puts in our lives is the perfect preparation of the future that only He can see. Corrie ten Boom.

Remind the believers to submit to the government and it’s officers.  They should be obedient, always ready to do what is good.  They must not slander anyone and must avoid quarreling.  Instead, they should be gentle and show true humility to everyone.  Titus 3:1-2

Checklist for encouragers:  Live in peace.  Search for ways to get along with others.

Please pray for Kids’ Camp, for Elementary Kids, starting the coming Monday and goes through Friday.  May God be  in every part, for the kids to have fun, for the volunteers to stay positive and energized.

Karen E. who moved into her own place now but has little left over for anything else asks if anyone has an old landline they are no longer using.  Not one that needs batteries but that you can plug into the electricity as she can’t afford to buy them.  She would appreciate it.  

Kasey – had COVID the 2nd. time and her son Joey; they are doing better now.  Thank You, Lord.

Tiffany – prayers and healing from long COVID.

Jerry – doing very well after having a lot of health issues the last year.  Praise report!  Thank You, Lord!

Betty K. ‘s cataract surgery went very well and the surgeon will do the other eye Thursday, June 20th.  May it, too, go well, Lord.

Travis – security guard – ankle is some better…not completely healed; his back is better.  Heal this man who watches over our safety.

Alan – was taken to the hospital as the assisted living thought he had had a stroke.  He didn’t and he is back at the facility now.  Bless him, Lord.  He has physical issues and isn’t walking and needs help with his daily care.   Bless his wife who goes through this with him the last years.

Stephanie- being treated for pneumonitis and a secondary infection.  Pray for healing, restoration and strength.  Pray for wisdom for all involved in her case.  Pray for her family as they go through this with her.

Nicka – praise – Yahweh is opening doors

Will and Brittany had a beautiful baby boy.  While they moved to Florida in March they haven’t yet sold their house in S.C. which is strapping them terribly financially.  Pray for financial relief and the sale of that home for this young couple with 2 babies.

Julian- drugs and alcohol; was in a program but no longer.

Juanita – has bad arthritis in her back and knees; pray for John and Kathryn who also have limb problems

Deshowda -family, health, community

Denise – health; should have surgery in the next week; be in the medical personnel, Lord, and may she heal well.Paula – housing; wants to get the kids off the street; her disability was approved Wednesday and she is grateful

Christy – that the chemo treatments which should start soon be healing, Lord, and with few side effects.  

Jeff – surgery July 3rd.

Vicki – gall bladder surgery will be scheduled soonRita- Alzheimer’s diseaseBill – that my heart would seek after God!  Yes, Lord, let him acknowledge You in all he does!! 

Carol T. – pinched nerve in my back has left me with pain and limited mobility in my shoulders.  Please pray for healing for me.  Yes, Lord, we ask You to heal her, comfort her and give her strength. 

We thank you for praying over these requests.