Week of June 23rd 2024

And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing.  Fix your thoughts on what is true and honorable, right and pure, lovely and admirable.  Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.  Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me –everything you heard from me and saw me doing.  Then the God of peace will be with you.  Philippians 4: 8 -9

We can use a volunteer for the men’s clothing closet Wednesday and Thursday afternoons starting at 2:30 until 5:30….but we are happy with however long or short you can stay! 

The ministry will be open Thursday, July 4th. As usual so we’ll need volunteers! 

The new law against homeless people goes into effect October 1st. officially but each city makes it’s own rules….even busing them to another county or state.  It is upsetting and harsh.  We need more shelters.    Amazing Love is offering all kinds of programs for people to get into and get a better life.  So far 15 have signed up and we pray for more each day.

We can always use shoes for men and women; sturdy walking shoes, tennis, etc.  And men’s pants sizes 28-38 especially 32-34- and women’s bras and panties, all sizes.

Jesika – high school graduation!  Congratulations!  May you let God lead you and guide you further in your life.

Judy A, – moving slowly and cautiously; take away her pain, Lord!

Christy starts chemo this week on Tuesday, July 2nd.; pray for no side effects

Al Warren was hit by a car last year and has some health issues and asks for prayer

John – is dying ; not sure if he is saved but a friend says he won’t listen; pray for him to be open.

Brad – had another surgery and is walking with a cane; may he continue to heal well.

Julie B. – her new right knee is doing well and she can gradually do more and more; July 11th. is the surgery on the other knee- let’s keep her in prayer; her last PET SCAN was all clear!  Halleluah!  Thank You, Lord.

Roberta – 97 – has only a few days to live; bless her, we know where she is going; let her feel Your presence; bless the family as they go through this with her.Michael A. – pray that he may feel/hear God’s plan for him day by day

Stephanie – after a long, involved illness of two years she passed away Friday evening.  Bless her dear family in this time of mourning as they went through it all with her.  Comfort them, be in them and with them in the coming time.  She left two teenagers behind and her husband Taylor has been through a transplant and cancer himself and is in remission; is working. Give them strength, comfort them, be in them and with them.  Her mother does so much for the ministry!!!!  Bless her!

Latoya Robinson passed away; pray for her family in this time of mourning.

Wanna’s mother had a massive stroke and is in an ICU unit in Chonburi, Thailand.  Please pray.

Rene and his wife Suzie – Rene has end stage liver disease and is struggling; his kidneys are also failing.  Pray for his healing and strength; pray for his wife as she deals with these difficult times.

Andrew’s brother died; please pray for the family in their time of mourning.

Elizabeth – went missing close to St. Joseph’s hospital; pray for her safety; may they find her!

Michael asked for prayers as he will be 70 next month.

Sherone – pray for strength to get through each day

Moses – is looking for work and asks for prayers

Stacy – health, finances, hair cut

Doug – to serve God all the days of my life and that I’ll have a financial break through.

Judy – direction; finances, place to live

Cody – mother’s health; she is 52

Betsy – place to stay/live

James – for patience and resilience

Tony – mental health and safety; be in all situationsWilliam – financesLyle – has a blood born cancer unidentified as of yet.

Mario and Mark have anemia; Mark also has confirmed melanoma.

Bill – wants to see clearly, spiritually.

Shawn Strange – had a stroke a month ago and is still in the hospital; would like to have visitors – TGH; doesn’t talk much