Week of March 2nd 2025
Finally, all of you should be of one mind. Sympathize with each other. Love each other as brothers and sisters. Be tenderhearted and keep a humble attitude. 1 Peter 3:8
Thank you all for your continued donations of clothes, linens, toiletries, canned goods, ‘stuff’! We do appreciate it.
Acts 29 Foccus, a ministry in Tampa, currently serves over 500 families a month with food items and the love of Jesus! They are seeking a location as their ministry home…..praying for a facility of about 1,500 square feet or property to build a facility.
Wife Julie – 5 years clean of cancer after a long bout of treatment. God bless you and your attitude through it all. You were an example for all of us.
Paul and Leon – health and unity
Cathy – 35 – struggling with infertility
—-laid off his job after 17 yrs. as it was bought up by another company and hasn’t found anything, yet.
Dave – this week….peace and God’s provision
Brandon – 8 yrs. old, suffering from anxiety and is having a tough time at school; he is getting counseling
Ronnie – family, son, daughter, niece and nephews; friend – that she gets a house/place to live.
Pastor Donna is out of town on cases; bless her in her work as she does so much for the homeless.
John – for my 62 yr. old mom’s health
—–need a house for 2 people
—-prayer for understanding and peace; prayers for others.
Shaun – pray over me that people quit saying lies about me to others; for me to follow through and not listen to others;
Noble – for deliverance and wisdom
Joseph – pray that I get closer to God
Kristie- for my sobriety
Juanita – all over healing; re-do the inside of my house; is in a program and they help; her 59 yr. old son had surgery on his neck; may he heal well
Lori and Derek – faithful Monday evening volunteers kept getting the flu from each other and were out a few weeks; they are thankful now that they are better as we are for them. Thankful and grateful, Lord.
Jessica – family – people who are battling addictions; I told Pastor Ed to speak with her as he had been through it all and come out on top and is in seminary
David – get back on the right path with God; he is reaching out to You, Lord, and we are thankful about that.
Kevin – health.
Pastor Manny : John – eyes getting checked 2/4/25; we ask for a good outcome.
David- eye issues
Patrons – in general, that they will come to our Messiah.
DID YOU PUT SATURDAY, MARCH 29th. on YOUR CALENDAR? We are excited to celebrate the 20th. Anniversary of Amazing Love Ministries. Please join us as we commemorate two decades of God’s faithfulness, reflect on our journey and look forward to our future. Date: Saturday, March 29th. Open house from: 12- 4 PM. Location: Amazing Love Ministries 3304 E Columbus Dr. 33605 More information and RSVP link can be found here: https://amazinglovemin.org/special-event/
Thank you all for praying over these requests. If you have a prayer request, please submit it at: https://amazinglovemin.org/prayer-request/