Week of September 15th 2024

In His hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.  Job 12:10

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.  

Hebrews 10:23

Ray S. – one of our faithful male volunteers who does a lot of our picking up at the Food Bank, Publix, etc. and lives in Riverview needs a vehicle.  If you have one you no longer use but that you have kept up and it doesn’t need new parts/repairs and you are willing to donate it to him he would be very grateful to get it.  Contact the ministry for ways to help.

Rebecca – this 15 yr. old girl is in the hospital to have her appendix removed.  Be in the surgeon and medical personnel and heal her, Lord.

Jackie – is having auto immune issues; she is praying to find the best treatment as the one she is using now isn’t helping; yes, Lord, we are asking it of you.

Pam – 60- has neuropathy issues in her feet and legs and nothing is helping.  Let her get the treatment she needs, Lord.

Matthew – family issues; God knows; bless them, heal them, lead them and guide them, Lord.

—-family court; God knows

Asher 16 – school

Don – bus driver; really busy; shortage of drivers….kids challenging!  Pray!

Darren – is back home now since his liver transplant and is feeling better; is eating and thankful! Yes, Lord, we are thankful and grateful for this!!

Roxanne – had knee surgery and is home; is getting PT at home now and doing well!  Thank You, Lord, for this faithful servant and Your healing.

Karen E. will have foot surgery to remove bunions…on both feet and will be laid up a bit.  She is a faithful volunteer at the ministry.   Heal her, Lord.

Michael A. is having a lot of arthritis pain and nothing helps.  Soothe him, heal him, Lord, this faithful volunteer.

Tony – faithful volunteer, can’t have the surgery because of his heart issues.  Let there be a treatment he can tolerate, Lord, as he is always in pain.

Sue – tripped and fell and hit her head; doesn’t seem to have any issues but bless her, Lord, this faithful volunteer.

Johnnie Gambler – committed suicide Tuesday evening.  On Monday his baby was born but he was confused about himself.  Bless his family in this time of grief and mourning. Joe – bless him as he mourns Johnnie’s death and his family.

Gary and Leslie Hopkins, faithful volunteers at the ministry- daughter Carrie was diagnosed with a protruding lumbar disc and CSF.  She is improving daily, has 1 pill a day to relieve the pressure in her head.  The lesion is healing on it’s own through rest, plenty of fluids and caffeine.  They are thankful and thank everyone for your prayers.

Thank you all for so faithfully praying over the weekly prayer requests.