Week of September 22nd 2024

I am the door.  If anyone enters by Me he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture.  John 10:9

But as for me the nearness of God is good for me; I have made the Lord God my refuge.  Psalm 73:28

You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence.  Acts 2:28

May everyone be safe in this storm!  May the damage be minimal.  We ask it, Lord!

Morris Hintzman, founder of Bay Hope Church and president of the Metropolitan Ministries for many years passed away.  He meant much to many people.  Bless his family in this time of mourning.

Darren – is doing well since his liver transplant but is having dizziness.  Bless him, Lord.

Barbara Killeen, the founder of our homeless ministry had the wrapping taken off her arm in which she had had surgery for the 3 broken bones.  She can’t use it much and has to do exercises throughout the day but it will take a while to heal.  Bless her and heal her, Lord.

Keep Rene and Suzie in prayer.  Rene is now in hospice.

Jim was quite ill with vertigo last week and had nausea and vomiting.  He is improving but is still weak.  He goes to the urologist Tuesday (9/23) for the PSA test results to determine further treatment.  Update:  urologist found no significant changes and said to come back in six months!  Halleluah!  Thank You, Lord!!  

Melissa – mental health and panic attacks.  Lord, calm her, soothe her, comfort her.  Let her feel Your presence and accept Your healing.

Bill – waiting for the latest scans as he is worried his cancer has returned.  Comfort him, Lord, and may he have good results!

From Pastor Manny :

Bill – unspoken; God knows

Tabitha – spiritual guidance

Teo – life issues; needs guidance and a relationship with Yahweh

Matthew Owen – he is a missing person; may Yahweh keep him and restore him to his family and friends.

Danny – is in torment and hates God; we want to lift him up to come to know Yahweh

Be in all those who have been affected by the storm Helene.

Ray S. – one of our faithful male volunteers who does a lot of our picking up at the Food Bank, Publix, etc.  and lives in Riverview needs a vehicle.  If you have one you no longer use but that you have kept up and it doesn’t need new parts/repairs and you are willing to donate it to him he would be very grateful to get it.  Contact the ministry for ways to help.

Thank you all for praying over these requests.