Week of September 29th 2024

I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread.  Psalm 37:25

There are no obstacles which our Savior’s love cannot overcome and that to him mountains of difficulty are as easy as an asphalt road!  Hannah Hurnard

So many lives were lost….unbelievable damage done to an unbelievable number of homes.  Oh, Lord, we are devastated as is our country because of the storm.  Please let there be help available to those who suffered damage, lost their homes completely or who have lost a loved one.   Soooo many are affected, so many affected, so many. Let each of us think of how we can help…;..donate some food, water, clothing or whatever, donate some money, even if it is just a little we can miss, maybe donate some time at some agency…..lead us, guide us, direct us who to call or where to go.  Bless each and every individual affected by the storm, Helene.  Thank You!

Ray S. – one of our faithful male volunteers, 80 yrs., who does a lot of our picking up at the Food Bank, Public, etc. and lives in Riverview needs a vehicle.  If you have one you no longer use but that you have kept up and it doesn’t need new parts/repairs and you are willing to donate it to him he would be very grateful to get it.  Contact the ministry on ways you can help.

Brad – scar tissue removed; consult for hernia repair and follow up soon; sees vascular surgeon for follow up soon; he is trying to continue to work as much as possible; bless his wife who goes through this with him and tries to continue to work, also.

Taylor – had surgery Monday; he had had a transplant a while back; bless him and heal him, Lord.  Update:  surgery went well; not related to cancer; it was from injures of lifting heavy stuff while a big rig mechanic and arthritis.; he is home and is very sore; he does have mobility and driving restrictions for 2 weeks.

Rene – passed away last week after a great struggle.  Keep his wife, Suzie in prayer.

Roxanne – is walking nicely since her knee surgery and healing well; does still have some pain but is thankful with the progression.

Carrie had been hospitalized for protruding lumbar disc and CSF but is doing well.  However, they just lost the car and everything in the storm. They had just moved in 3 weeks prior!! She and her husband are staying with her parents now until they figure out what to do next. Oh, Lord, provide!!!  Update: they are in a hotel now and are tearing out the drywall, etc. in the home; provide, Lord, provide.

Little Esther turned 2 yrs. yesterday.  She has multiple birth defects.  Let her get the treatments she needs, Lord.  Help her learn as much as possible.  Thank You!

Vance (big man) – did blood work for his heart and kidneys; will do kidney tests at the end of the month and a heart test before then; he is asking to get his strength back; he just has no energy; he is such a faithful volunteer at Amazing Love but it involves lifting the heavy food boxes and just can’t now and feels bad that he can’t help; may his tests indicate what the issues are and let him get the treatments he needs; we ask this of You, Lord.  Heal him.

Jade – needs prayer for her Ashville, NC company to be restored with food, water and services.

Ken – arm still is painful from his fall and injury to his wrist.  Heal this faithful volunteer, Lord!

Harvey – thankful

Israel – he is thankful and has joy in Yahweh

Thamar – will have surgery on October 26h. ; put him on your prayer list

James S. – legs are swollen and wounds are leaking; let him get the help he needs; he gets around in a wheelchair.

Tom – was discharged from the hospital; biopsies were done to see what caused the GI bleeding but no significant findings were noted; thank You, Lord!

Thank you for praying over these requests.